Carly Feigan, CN/ACE works with clients across the nation to achieve their desired weight loss and nutrition goals.

Low-fat Hummus with Raw Green VegetablesCarly Recommends:

Roasted Unsalted PistachiosCarly Recommends:
- 28 pistachios = 100 calories
- Counting them. They are a very satisfying snack and take longer to eat if you have to remove them from their shells.

Organic Fruit with NutsCarly Recommends:
- 1 cup of berries or a small apple with 12 unsalted almonds or 20 unsalted pistachios
- Having fruit and nuts handy…This is a great portable snack that will keep you full for 2-3 hours.

Nonfat Plain Yogurt with Nuts or FruitCarly Recommends:
- 5.8 oz of yogurt with 1/2 cup fruit or with 6-8 unsalted almonds
- A brand of yogurt with at least 14 grams of protein

Dark ChocolateCarly Recommends:
- High percentage cacao. 70 percent or above automatically reduces the sugar content. Go for the 80 percent if you can.

EdamameCarly Recommends:
- Roughly 10 pods
- Counting them. They can be calorie-dense if you eat too many.

Apple with Almond Butter or Peanut ButterCarly Recommends:
- Using organic or natural nut butters when possible (no sugar or salt added)

High Protein BarCarly Recommends:
- 140 calorie bar with at least 8-10 grams of protein
- South Beach Bars/Good2Go Bars are delicious and have more protein

Egg and CucumberCarly Recommends:
- 1 hard boiled egg with 1 kirby cucumber